I would like to thank Recy Vales the wedding event coordinator for trusting Kismet Cinema and providing us with our first official wedding shoot. Paul and Desiree were a great couple to work with. We put together a video montage that was presented at the reception. Thanks to my brother Don for helping out with the interview and park shoot! We also provided them with an "SDE" (Same Day Edit) that was thrown in as a surprise at the end of the slideshow!
Click on the picture below to view the slideshow:
The wedding was held at the Mission Basilica Church in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Immediately after the wedding there was a rush to get to Laguna Cliffs Marriott where the reception was held, so I could get started on editing the surprise "SDE" that was added to the end of the slideshow.
I would like to thank my brother-in-law Oliver Ramirez for helping out with the second camera and doing all of the trick shots AKA "Hadoookins!" and Ron Hipol for helping man the third camera catching all of the candid moments and for shooting while I was busy editing the SDE.
Click on the picture below to view Kismet Cinema's FIRST OFFICIAL Same Day Edit!